05 Jan 6 Ideas for a Post-Holiday Celebration at Your Law Firm
Although most holiday celebrations are over, some companies elect to celebrate after the holiday rush is past and everyone is back in the office. This can be a great way to get the new year off to a fun, fresh start and keep the good times rolling without the stress and pressure of an onslaught of other seasonal obligations.
Your company party is about a lot more than just sharing a few cocktails or knickknacks at a gift exchange. In terms of building law firm culture and camaraderie, these events can help you take a huge step in the right direction. Yes, they’re fun, but they’re also an opportunity to boost morale, promote team bonding, and show your employees you care about them.
Read more: Ho, Ho, Homebound – How To Celebrate With Your Team (Virtually) This Holiday Season
Here are a handful of ideas for your year-end celebration:
White Elephant Party
It’s tried and true for a good time. Lean into trying to come up with the goofiest gift idea. You can even vote on a winner at the end of it and give a gift certificate to whoever comes up with the best idea for a gift. This can lead to memories and jokes amongst employees that last literally years.
Show an End-of-Year Highlight Video
This one will take some planning ahead but try to capture photos and video of your team throughout the year and then put together a video that you show over lunch. Everyone remembers watching their senior year video at high school graduation. This is the same concept and can similarly lift everyone’s spirits and gives you all the chance to appreciate some of the previous year’s accomplishments.
Year-End Awards Gala
What better way to recognize all the hard work of the last year than with an annual awards ceremony? Come up with a list of awards, selection criteria, a voting process, and an appropriate award to give out to recognize your standout employees. Put a lot of thought into who gets each award as you want to make sure it is meaningful and deserved.
Get Out of the Office
Instead of celebrating in the office, treat your employees to a fun activity. Depending on your location, you could take the team ice skating or maybe a trip to an escape room would create some memories for everyone. Put some thought into the culture of your team and what they enjoy. Whatever activity you choose, it should fit your organization’s personality. Don’t try to force fun!
Give Back to the Community
Another great way to celebrate is by finding a local nonprofit organization and volunteering for a day. Try to find an organization that is well aligned with your company’s core values. If you are unsure where to start, you can find a list of volunteer opportunities on VolunteerMatch.
Although your post-holiday diet might have started Jan. 1, what’s one more feast before tackling those New Year resolutions? You can even give the potluck a theme – maybe do a cookie bakeoff or chili cookoff. Or just leave it wide open. Who doesn’t appreciate a free lunch!
However you choose to celebrate, genuine employee appreciation is the key, don’t just do what is expected. And don’t forget, while we have awesome tips on how to have fun with your team, we have even more tips on how to build a better practice. Contact us to learn more about how we can help your firm grow and thrive in the new year.